You close for the day by 5pm and if you reside in Lagos, you will spend like an hour or more trying to get home. If you have been wearing the corset all day, you rush into your room to ‘set yourself free’ by 7: 30 or 8pm. Before you shower and make a meal it is 9pm already. Chai!!! Then one dietician tells you ‘you can’t eat after 6pm’ to keep your tummy flat! Hian! What is life?!
Dieticians have advised that eating after 6pm makes you add weight; but research has proven that the time of day you consume calories does not guarantee weight loss if you consume more calories during the day. You see the logic???
So my dear, no need to drive yourself crazy with the hunger pangs all in the name of getting a flat tummy especially when you have a crazy schedule that does not help your eating habit!
However, an actual truth is that if you take FlattummyTea with Moringa at night, it helps you actualize your flat tummy and weight loss goals with ease! Made from a blend of natural herbs like moringa, oolong tea and cassia seeds, Flattummytea targets the bloat from within especially when taken at night to work effectively.
FlatTummyTea is made from completely natural ingredients and yes, it works! Call us today and place your order or call 09085653719, 09085653721, 09085653430, 09090607118, 09090607233, 09085653746.
Why You Should Not Eat After 6PM
Reviewed by Unknown
July 27, 2016

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